All Creatures Large and Small


"Certain other forms of Gorean beasts, however, I suspect do have an Earth origin. This seems to be the case with certain birds and rodents and, possibly, even with an animal as important to the Gorean economy as the bosk."   — Explorers of Gor, page 326.

Gor is a world full of often strange and bizarre creatures. Various organisms, man included, were transported to Gor. Some of these organisms originate from Earth — but many do not. Some, it seems, are beasts of Earth's various periods of dinosaur habitation, while others are most definitely alien in nature. Even still, those beasts originally of Earth have evolved in order to survive on this new harsh world, becoming only ghosts of what they once were.

We learned in Priest-Kings of Gor that the planet of Gor itself was moved to its current location of being the counter-earth over two (2) million years ago. However, the planet Gor was very much alive prior to that time. Necessities of prolonging the Nest of the Priest-Kings and keeping it safe from their enemies, such as the Kur, resulted in the move of the planet. How long had the Priest-Kings been around? They claim eternally. Certainly, they likely were around millenia before the existence of man, perpetrating their zoos and biological experiments, and we could reasonably assume that at least some of the beasts found on Gor are those of our own prehistoric beasts of earth yet not in their pure form. The arrival of man brought them a new animal to experiment on, which they did; the Muls Al-Ka and Ba-Ta are prime examples of the experiment of genetic mutation and manipulations. Another is the ancient mankind of some world perhaps not even of earth, that were raised to be the carriers of the precious Gur.




Special Note

Because of the differences in publishing the books, depending upon whether published in the U.S. or Europe, depending upon whether a first publishing or a Masquerade Books release, page numbers will often vary. All of my quotes are from original, first-printing U.S. publications (see The Books page for a listing of publishers and dates) with the exception of the following books:

  • Tarnsman of Gor (2nd Printing, Balantine)
  • Outlaw of Gor (11th Printing, Balantine)
  • Priest-Kings of Gor (2nd Printing, Balantine)
  • Assassin of Gor (10th Printing, Balantine)
  • Raiders of Gor (15th Printing, Balantine)
  • Captive of Gor (3rd Printing, Balantine)


These pages are not written for any specific home, but rather as informational pages for those not able to get ahold of the books and read them yourself. Opinions and commentaries are strictly my own personal views, therefore, if you don't like what you are reading — then don't. The information in these pages is realistic to what is found within the books. Many sites have added information, assuming the existences of certain products and practices, such as willowbark and agrimony for healing, and travel to earth and back for the collection of goods. I've explored the books, the flora, the fauna, and the beasts, and have compiled from those mentioned, the probabilities of certain practices, and what vegetation mentioned in the books is suitable for healing purposes, as well as given practicalities to other sorts of roleplaying assumptions.