Charlottes Web Blog







November 1, 2007


Why this topic you ask? I have spent the past 24 hours fighting them. Probably due to the lack of ventilation/circulation at work. Every year they can't seem to keep the air flow going while they prepare the heating system for the upcoming winter months.

Today. I feel like the walking dead.

Such would be appropo for tomorrow, the Day of the Dead.

I'm heading home to crawl into a coffin.

Have a good night.



November 7, 2007

Well, Jane finally got her walking papers on Dancing With the Stars. I never much cared for her dancing, and I think the judges were far too forgiving on her technique, especially since the passing of her mother. While I like Marie, and find her funny, likewise now between her comment on the show discriminating older performers and the untimely death of the Osmond family patriarch, it's likely she'll remain alive on sympathy votes.

How about Len's comment Monday night? I … was laughing hysterically. Some people got their feathers ruffled, but I found it rather amusing. Good show Len!

I got stuck having to park in the parking garage last night. Movie/TV people again snagged several blocks of parking, and silly me had stopped off to grab a few groceries on the way home, so I was later to arrive than normal. My first thought was, Shouldn't you be baking cookies for the picketing writers? Job security and all… and my second thought was, @#*#! That car is going to ram me in the rear! and once I recovered after watching this dude just BARELY miss my car's rear end and nearly shave off another car's front end, my final thought was, @#*#! I'm going to have to fork out $25 so someone can watch another episode of that crappy show, Gray's Anatomy.

This week is nearly over. One more full week, and then I have a week vacation that I'm so looking forward to. I have big plans. Sleep in. Sleep in. Sleep in. And. Sleep in.

Turkey day is nearly upon us. Gobble-Gobble.



November 16, 2007

Cameron got booted from Dancing With the Stars and while I don't consider him especially skillful, I'd have rather seen him go on to the final four than Jenny Garth. There's just something about her that bugs me. The other three celebrities I think have earned their way to the top four.

Today was the last day of work for over a week. Yay. I'm looking forward to sleeping in… and mostly, just doing whatever the heck I want to do.

Tomorrow will be spent sitting at the Saturn dealership in New Jersey while they do the usual maintenance stuff on my car, and then afterwards, do a major holiday shopping thing in the mall across the street. I'm concerned about hitting traffic coming home, however. It's always so joyful to sit waiting one's turn to cross over the George Washington bridge…

Happy Thanksgiving!



November 23, 2007

I was SO glad that it was Jenny Garth that got booted from Dancing With the Stars and not Helio. I figured out what it was about her that bugs me, and I think it was Len who said the same thing — it's her jaw and how she thrusts it out so sharply; throws off her curves or something he said. To me, it makes her appear snooty and unappreciative.

Avril Lavigne has certainly grown up from her "Sk8ter Girl" days. Has she gotten thinner? Oh, and yes, it does appear that Lisa Rhinna got her lips reduced. She always reminded me of that movie with Don Knotts, The Incredible Mr. Limpet. Then again, she reminds me of Don Knotts.

My car is sick. *sighs* Well, when that idiot backed up into my car and made that small crumple, it messed up my headlights; they are great should I ever need to search tree tops for alien invaders. To fix the headlights, I'll need the body work done. *insert cash register ka-CHING!* My left rear wheel assembly is shot *insert another ka-CHING!* and missing a bolt *tiny ka-ching* — and calculating that with most definite certainty, that once I fix the left side, the right side will go *yep, another ka-CHING!* I talked to Tony; he suggested I might want to get another car; and one that is automatic, so he can drive (my Saturn VUE is manual transmission). Hmm…

Vacation draws sadly to an end soon *insert funeral dirge* but I'm trying not to think about it.

Turkey Day — YUM! Tony brined the free-range fresh bird we had, and I made my best-ever stuffing (secret ingredients!). If you want to know about the brine and all that, send me an e-mail and I'll share. For a donation to the "Buy-Charlotte-a-New-Car-Fund."

Just kidding. ;)



November 28, 2007

You know… this year's Dancing With the Stars has been so much better than the previous years, but… was anyone as disappointed as I was with the performances on Monday night?

Okay, first Sabrina gets booted long before Jenny and Cameron. That was harsh enough. But, oh-my-god, Marie and her shrill, "I'm a DOLL maker for god's sake!" Did your teeth ache like mine did? Her outfit; not flattering. Cutesie, if this were a show for 3 year olds. Her other outfit, not flattering. For any age group. She was clumsy and uncoordinated in both dances.

As for Helio versus Mel B; while Mel has better technical moves, I was not impressed at all with her free-style. She seemed extremely stiff. In fact, the routine was awkward. Helio is not fabulous with his technical moves, but how cute was Julianna in the jive number? So was he, for that matter. And their freestyle dance, while again, Helio wasn't particarly fantastic in his footwork — WOW! Racecar driver steps up the gas for sure on that one!

Last night's rematch between Helio and Mel B was a no-brainer. I'm sure everyone would have been shocked to see Marie continue on as one of the top two finalists. It was such a close race between Helio and Mel B, I really wasn't sure not only who would win, but who I wanted to win, though Helio has been my favorite since before this season started. Though Mel B has been the best dancer technique-wise, her performance Monday night set her back, yet she regained her footing in last night's dance. Helio, on the other hand, was clearly the top favorite Monday night, and last night was a re-enactment of his best overall dance. Besides, how can you not like Helio? And to have Julianna as a partner? That woman is just the epitome of cute sexiness. I can imagine most women look at her and think, God, why didn't you let me be born with HER genes?

Of all the dancers, Julianna ranks as one of best choreographers, along with Cheryl and Maks. Marie's partner, Jonathan, was clearly not an exceptional choreographer; if he was, he never would have let her do that doll-nightmare, or as in Bruno's words, Chuckie meets… with Marie being Chuckie.

All in all, I was quite happy to see Helio and Julianna win.

So, my bank approved me for a new loan for a new or certified used car. Now Tony is changing his tune. And men say WOMEN are fickle?

I'm going on Saturday to get an idea of what they'd give me as a trade-in on my VUE; it HAS to pay off the amount owed on my current loan. They gave me a quote on the phone, but of course added "we might be able to give you more, so that we can get rid of that current loan altogether…" Of course they can. My bank is giving me $22K toward a new car. What to get, what to get. I love the Aura. I also like my VUE, but if I went that route, it would have to be either one like I have but with All-Wheel Drive, or the next level up, so that it's a heavier vehicle. I'd like to stick with the Saturn. Or a nice BMW, like we saw last time, but, in my neighborhood? I had enough problems with keeping windows from being bashed in on my worth-nothing VUE!

What I'm looking to do is, get a better car that will also reduce my monthly payments. And *muttering* switching from manual transmission to an automatic. Tony does need to be able to drive the car in the event that I cannot, and also, it'll be better for my knees, although, they are almost 100 percent back to normal now.

Then I get home last night, and my bank calls me to let me know (again) that I'm all approved for the loan. I have 45 days to use it, but of course, the bank and dealership are both anxious for me to conclude it prior to that 45 days. Well, if it means, say $100 per month less in car payments, maybe I can afford Christmas presents.



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