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"Love Hurts"

— by Nazareth


This song was originally recorded by the Everly Brothers and Roy Orbison released this in 1961 as the B-side to his #1 hit "Running Scared."

I think this song pretty well sums up the feelings one has when a relationship goes bad. And then the next …

Love hurts, love scars,
love wounds, and mars,
any heart, not tough
or strong enough
To take a lot of pain,
take a lot of pain
Love is like a cloud,
it holds a lot of rain
Love hurts … ooh, ooh love hurts

I'm young, I know,
but even so,
I know a thing or two
I learned from you
I really learned a lot,
really learned a lot
Love is like a flame,
It burns you when it's hot
Love hurts … ooh, ooh love hurts

Some fools think of happiness
Blissfulness, togetherness
Some fools fool themselves I guess
They're not foolin' me

I know it isn't true,
I know it isn't true
Love is just a lie,
made to make you blue
Love hurts … ooh, ooh love hurts
ooh, ooh love hurts

"My idea is that there is music in the air, music all around us; the world is full of it, and you simply take as much as you require." — Edward Elgar *
The star on my pages was a graphic that I made personally in 1994 when I was first learning how to do animations. This star has been a standard on my Rattt Trap pages since their creation in 1994; specifically my newsletter pages, The Back Fence. *