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"I'm Stone In Love With You"

— by The Stylistics


Written by Philadelphia writer and producer Thom Bell and lyricist Linda Creed, this sweet song doesn't bring back memories of love, or a boyfriend, or anything corny like that. This song, for me, brings back memories of that dance in Junior High and the boys lined up against the wall with terrified looks, while us girls — danced all night. This song was a particular favorite that got played over … and over … and over …



If I could, I'd like to be a great big movie star,
Overnight sensation, drive a big expensive car
I would buy you everything your little heart desires
These things I'd do 'cause I'm stone in love with you
(Stone in love with you)

If I were a business man, I'd sit behind a desk
I'd be so successful, I would scare Wall Street to death
I would hold a meeting for the press to let them know
I did it all 'cause I'm stone in love with you
(Stone in love with you)

I'm just a man, an average man
Doing everything the best I can
But if I could, I'd give the world to you

I'd like to someday be the owner of the first house on the moon
There would be no neighbors and no population boom
You might say that all I do is dream my life away
I guess it's true 'cause I'm stone in love with you

I guess it's true 'cause I'm stone in love with you
I guess it's true 'cause I'm stone in love with you

"Play the music, not the instrument." — Author Unknown *
The star on my pages was a graphic that I made personally in 1994 when I was first learning how to do animations. This star has been a standard on my Rattt Trap pages since their creation in 1994; specifically my newsletter pages, The Back Fence. *